I would like to present a bunch of thanks to my best friends (Ina, Rozad, Arif, Dika, Udien, Mbak Tami) for giving spirit in the accomplishment of this thesis. My great thankfulness also goes to Panji Christiyanto for his love, loyalty, care, and support when I am in ups and downs and for being there when I need at the most. I also thank my relatives in Semarang for their prayers. My special thanks go to my brother Akbar Pradani who has given me love and support. They have given me everything to finish my thesis. I am sincerely grateful to them for teaching me how this life is worth living. Furthermore, my greatest gratitude goes to my parents Hardinawati and Lasdi, for their endless love, care, and support. (the English teacher), and all of the students at XI IPA 2 who have participated in the data collection of this research. Edison Ahmad Jamli (the principal), Dara Zukhana, S.Pd. I greatly appreciate the big family of SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Bantul, Drs. I would also like to thank all PBI lecturers and staffs, who have devoted their work, valuable knowledge, lessons and experiences during my study in Yogyakarta State University. Hum., for their patience, guidance, advice, and solution in the completion of this thesis. and my second consultant, Siti Mukminatun, M. My deepest appreciation and thank go to my first consultant Dra. In this opportunity, I would like to thank all of those who have supported and guided me in the process of writing this thesis. viħ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahi Rabbil aalamiin, all praise goes to Allah SWT, the Almighty and the Most Merciful, whose blessing, guidance, and mercy have strengthened me along the hard path of my life so that I can finish my thesis. All my friends Thanks for giving spirit and for coloring my life.

My best friend (Ina, Anin, Rozad, Arif, Udien, Ana) Thanks for your support and advice. My Relatives Thanks for their great love and care. My beloved brother (Akbar Pradani) Thanks for coloring my life with laughs and cries. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence (Helen Keller) The key of success are dedication, hard work and unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen (Frank Wright) vĦ DEDICATIONS I DEDICATE THIS THESIS TO: My beloved Mother and Father (Hardinawati & Lasdi) Thanks for your long lasting love, prayer and kindness.

Al Baqarah 2:45) (Seek help in patience and prayer) Optimism is to be faith that leads to achievement.

Al A raaf 7:69) (Remember ALLAH s blessing so that, hopefully, you will be successful) Wasta inuu bis sabbri wassalaati (Qs. 5 MOTTOS Fazkuruu aalaa allahahi la llakum tuflihun (QS.